Example Application

This example serves a simple message-board. The source code provides all the files needed to launch the service into a kubernetes cluster.

├── alembic.ini              # alembic settings
├── celeryconfig.py          # celery-worker parameters
├── config.yaml              # application settings
├── constants.py             # global constants
├── db_seed.yaml             # db initial seed records
├── Dockerfile.api           # container image builder scripts
├── Dockerfile.worker
├── entrypoint-worker.sh     # container startup script
├── i18n                     # application language translations
│   ├── messages.pot         # extracted language strings
│   ├── ar                   # arabic message mappings
│   └── de (...)             # german messages (and so on)
├── main.py                  # top-level startup
├── Makefile.dev             # administrative utilities
├── Makefile.i18n
├── Makefile.k8s
├── Makefile.sops
├── Makefile.vars
├── messaging.py             # messaging worker startup
├── models
│   ├── __init__.py          # models for database schema
│   ├── api.py               # open-core API models
│   ├── base.py              # declarative base
│   └── ...                  # add your custom models here
├── openapi.yaml             # OpenAPI 3.0 specifications
├── rbac.yaml                # endpoint permissions
├── requirements.txt         # python dependencies
├── uwsgi.ini                # UWSGI server settings
├── _version.py              # application version
├── alembic                  # schema upgrade instructions
│   ├── env.py
│   └── versions
│       ├── xxx_schema1.py
│       └── xxx_schema2.py
├── controllers              # controller classes
│   ├── __init__.py          # controller initialization
│   ├── account.py
│   ├── auth.py
│   ├── category.py
│   ├── contact.py
│   ├── credential.py
│   ├── grant.py
│   ├── health.py
│   ├── list.py
│   ├── location.py
│   ├── message.py
│   ├── person.py
│   ├── profile.py
│   ├── settings.py
│   └── tz.py
├── k8s                      # kubernetes resource specifications
│   ├── api.yaml
│   ├── dev.yaml
│   ├── mariadb.yaml
│   ├── media-worker.yaml
│   ├── media.yaml
│   ├── prod.yaml
│   ├── redis.yaml
│   ├── rmq.yaml
│   ├── ui.yaml
│   └── worker.yaml
└── secrets                  # credentials used at runtime

