
class apicrud.BasicCRUD(resource=None, model=None)

Controller base class

Create/Read/Update/Delete/find controller operations.

This class provides permission-based, paginated access to database models behind your application’s endpoints. Most endpoints need no boilerplate code, and can inherit these functions directly. Some endpoints only need a few lines of code before or after inheriting these functions. You can always write your own custom function for special-case endpoints.

  • resource (str) – a resource name (endpoint prefix)

  • model (obj) – the model corresponding to the resource

__init__(resource=None, model=None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__([resource, model])

Initialize self.

create(body[, id_prefix])

Controller for POST endpoints.


Activate a SQLalchemy query object for the specified ID in the current model

delete(ids[, force])

Controller for DELETE endpoints.


Find records which match query parameters passed from connexion by name, in a dictionary that also includes user and token info


Controller for GET endpoints.

update(id, body[, access])

Controller for PUT endpoints.

update_contact(id, body)

This is a special-case function for the contact-update resource

static create(body, id_prefix='x-')

Controller for POST endpoints. This method assigns a new object ID, sets the _created_ timestamp, evaluates user’s permissions, adds a default category_id if the model has this attribute, and inserts a row to the back-end database.

  • body (dict) – resource fields as defined by openapi.yaml schema

  • id_prefix (str) – generated objects will be assigned a random 10- to 16-character ID; you can set a unique prefix if desired


first element is a dict with the id, second element is response code (201 on success)

Return type



Activate a SQLalchemy query object for the specified ID in the current model


id (str) – object ID


query object

Return type


static delete(ids, force=False)

Controller for DELETE endpoints. This method looks for existing records, evaluates user’s permissions, and updates or removes rows in the back-end database.

  • ids (list of str) – record IDs to be flagged for removal

  • force (bool) – flag for removal if false; remove data if true


first element is a dict with the id, second element is response code (200 on success)

Return type


static find(**kwargs)

Find records which match query parameters passed from connexion by name, in a dictionary that also includes user and token info

  • cursor_next (str) – pagination token to fetch subsequent records

  • filter (dict) – field/value pairs to query (simple queries only, with string or list matching; or * for any)

  • limit (int) – max records to fetch

  • offset (int) – old-style pagination starting offset

  • sort (str) – <field>[:{asc|desc}]

  • status (str) – value is added to filter


items (list), count(int), cursor_next (str)

Return type


static get(id)

Controller for GET endpoints. This method evaluates privacy settings against the user’s permissions, looks up category, owner and geocode values, and fetches the object from back-end database.


id (str) – ID of the desired resource


first element is a dict with the object or error message, second element is response code (200 on success)

Return type


static update(id, body, access='u')

Controller for PUT endpoints. This method looks for an existing record, evaluates user’s permissions, and updates the row in the back-end database.

  • body (dict) – fields to be updated

  • access (str) – access-level required for RBAC evaluation


first element is a dict with the id, second element is response code (200 on success)

Return type


static update_contact(id, body)

This is a special-case function for the contact-update resource

  • validate sms carrier

  • keep person identity in sync with primary contact

  • id (str) – resource ID

  • body (dict) – as defined in openapi.yaml