Getting Started

With a MacBook or Linux-based laptop, you can launch all the supported components with just a few commands.


Clone this repo to your local environment. To start the example application in a shell session (on a Linux or Mac laptop):

  • Install docker (desktop for Mac or Linux/Ubuntu) and enable kubernetes; if you’re on a Mac install homebrew; Linux kubeadm setup is beyond scope of this README

  • To run the full example demo in your local kubernetes:

  • Make secrets available: ln -s example/secrets/.gnupg ~ if you don’t already use gpg, or make sops-import-gpg if gpg is already installed

  • Invoke TAG=latest make deploy_local and wait for services to come up:

    $ kubectl get pods
    example-api-9d898b479-c52hs               1/1     Running     3  32h
    example-mariadb-0                         1/1     Running     0  9h
    example-redis-f54fb554d-t4rtc             1/1     Running     0  14d
    example-rmq-0                             1/1     Running     0  14d
    example-ui-7c9c99d89b-lk8pf               1/1     Running     0  21h
    example-worker-messaging-cdcc4bf96-5f97f  1/1     Running     0  32h
    $ kubectl get services
    example-api        ClusterIP       <none>   8080/TCP                    8d
    example-dev-api    NodePort     <none>   8080:32080/TCP              8d
    example-dev-ui     NodePort    <none>   80:32180/TCP                8d
    example-mariadb    ClusterIP      <none>   3306/TCP                    14d
    example-redis      ClusterIP      <none>   6379/TCP                    14d
    example-rmq        ClusterIP      <none>   4369/TCP,5671/TCP,5672/TCP  14d
    example-ui         ClusterIP      None             <none>   80/TCP                      8d
    example-worker-messaging ClusterIP   <none>   5555/TCP                    13d
  • Browse http://localhost:32180 as admin with password p@ssw0rd

  • Or, to run only database/cache images for developing on your laptop:

  • Optional: set environment variables (as defined below) if you wish to override default values

  • Invoke make run_local to bring up the back-end API with its dependent services mariadb, redis and rabbitmq

  • Invoke make messaging_worker to bring up the email/SMS worker back-end

  • Clone the instantlinux/apicrud-ui repo to a separate directory and follow the instructions given in its README to start and log into the front-end

  • Optional: configure outbound email (via GMail or another provider)

  • Head to App Passwords account settings in your GMail account and generate an app password

  • Login as admin to the example demo UI (as above)

  • At upper right, go into Settings and choose Credentials tab

  • Add a new entry: key is your GMail email address, secret is the app password

  • Choose Settings tab, set the smarthost to, SMTP port to 587, and select the SMTP credential you just created

  • Also in Settings tab, update the URL to match the hostname and port number you see in address bar

  • At upper right, go into Profile and select Contact Info

  • Edit the admin email address to your GMail address

  • Optional: add the media service (requires AWS S3 or compatible service)

  • Invoke TAG=latest make deploy_media to bring up the media API and worker

  • Set up an S3 bucket in your AWS or compatible account

  • See usage instructions for media service, starting with the admin login

  • Subsequent logins will now have access to media features in the UI

  • Optional: if running API within a docker container, update the kubernetes secrets defined below; see instructions in example/Makefile.sops

  • Optional: make prometheus_adhoc will start the metric collector, with a GUI on port 9090 of its container IP address

  • Optional for Linux: a full ansible-based bare-metal k8s cluster management suite is published at instantlinux/docker-tools

The example MVC application provided here in this repo is also used as a fixture for its unit tests. You can fork / clone this repo and experiment with your own extensions to the database models, controller logic, and openapi.yaml REST endpoints. See instantlinux/apicrud-ui for definitions of the views (as React.js code).

Environment variables

Variable Default Description
AMQ_HOST example-rmq IP address or hostname of rabbitMQ
API_DEV_PORT 32080 TCP port for API service (local dev k8s)
API_MEDIA_DEV_PORT 32085 TCP port for media API service (local dev k8s)
DB_HOST IP address or hostname of MySQL-compatible database
DB_NAME example_local Name of the database
DOMAIN Domain for service URLs
EXAMPLE_API_PORT 8080 TCP port for API service
KUBECONFIG Config credentials filename for k8s
RABBITMQ_IP IP address to use for rabbitMQ under k8s
REDIS_IP IP address for redis under k8s
UI_DEV_PORT 32180 TCP port for UI (local dev k8s)


Kubernetes needs secrets defined. Default values for these are under example/secrets/. See the example/Makefile.sops (and the lengthy kubernetes secrets doc for instructions on modifying them or adding new secrets for multiple namespace environments.

Secret Description
example-db-aes-secret Encryption passphrase for secured DB columns (~16 bytes)
example-db-password Database password
example-flask-secret Session passphrase (32 hex digits)
example-redis-secret Encryption passphrase for redis values (~16 bytes)
mapquest-api-key API key for address lookups (sign-up: mapquest)
mariadb-root-password Root password for MariaDB

All service instances for a given deployment must share the same db-aes and redis secrets. Rotating the redis secret simply requires relaunching all instances (which will invalidate current user sessions). Rotating the db-aes secret requires creating a migration script (which remains TODO).