
class apicrud.ServiceRegistry(aes_secret=None, public_url=None, reload_params=False, ttl=None)

Service Registry

Services or the UI discover one another through this service registry. Each microservice instance submits its identity and capabilities to this central registry, implemented as expiring redis keys which are updated at a fixed frequency. Encryption provides modest protection against injection attacks.

  • aes_secret (str) – an AES secret [default: config.REDIS_AES_SECRET]

  • public_url (str) – URL to serve [default: config.PUBLIC_URL]

  • reload_params (bool) – force param reload, for unit-testing

  • ttl (int) – how long to cache instance’s registration

__init__(aes_secret=None, public_url=None, reload_params=False, ttl=None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__([aes_secret, public_url, …])

Initialize self.


Finds one or all services


return service registration for local instance

register(resource_endpoints[, service_name, …])

register an instance serving a list of endpoints


background function to update registration at the defined interval from local memory cache, until the instance terminates.


Finds one or all services


service_name (str) – a service, or None for all


dict - instances (list of registered services)

url_map (public url for each top-level resource)


return service registration for local instance

Returns: dict(name, id, info)

Key info is dict(endpoints, ipv4, port, public_url, created)

register(resource_endpoints, service_name=None, instance_id='build-14586462-project-613164-apicrud', tcp_port=None)

register an instance serving a list of endpoints

  • resource_endpoints (list of str) – controller endpoints served

  • service_name (str) – microservice name

  • instance_id (str) – unique ID of instance

  • tcp_port (int) – port number of service

static update()

background function to update registration at the defined interval from local memory cache, until the instance terminates.